Medical Institute,Osh State University Today
Medical Institute,Osh State University has been training foreign students since 1992.During the years of its existence the Medical
Institute,Osh State University has trained foreign students from more than twenty countries.At present 2751 students are studying at
Medical Institute including about 600 students from other countries like
Pakistan,India,Nepal,Palestine,Syria,Turkey,Iran,Uzbekistan,Turkmenistan and other countries.The medium of instruction is English and
Russian.Foreign Students have a choice to study in english medium or russian,foreign students don't have to study at
preparatory department,they get admission directly into first year M.D in english medium.all the subjects are taught in English
language.on the completion of course,degree of M.D is awarded.,valid and recognized all over the world.
Medical Institute,Osh State University is accredited,recognised and listed with WHO world directory of Medical Schools,
To Contact WHO,

Sadie Bernasconi
Office of Barbara Stilwell, Coordinator PIE
Department of Human Resources for Health (HRH)
Cluster on Evidence and Information for Policy (EIP)
World Health Organization
20, Avenue Appia
1211 Geneva 27
Telephone: +41 22 791 2506 (direct line and voicemail)
>Fax: +41 22 791 4747

Medical Institute,Osh State University is accredited,recognised and listed with FAIMER ECFMG International Medical Education Directory
.click here to visit Medical Institute OshSU on FAIMER International Medical Education Directory
International Medical Education Directory
Pakistan Medical and Dental Council PMDC,Medical Council of India MCI,Medical Councils of Syria,Nepal,Turkey,Saudi
Arabia,Iran,Bangladeesh,Sudan,Palestine ,and Medical Councils of CIS countries.Medical Institute,Osh State University has hired foreign
teachers alongwith local faculty members to teach foreign students in English medium more conveniently.Teachers are very experienced
.Most of them are either Doctor of Medical Sciences (Ph.D) or Candidate of Medical Sciences.Many outstanding scientists worked at the
Medical institute and contributed much to the rapid development of the Medical institute as a powerful scientific medical and
educational center in the southwestern kyrgyz repulic.At present the physicians with OshSU degrees are working in different countries of
Asia,Africa,Europe and America.It shows wide recognition of the medical institute all over the world.high qualification of its graduates
are connected with the brilliant constellation of scientists who worked at the Medical Institute,Osh State University.All clinical hospitals
are equipped with modern facilities to train students at a higher scientific and professional level. In particular, all types of diagnostics,
thermovision, angiography, endoscopic technique, highly effective means of treatment by hyperbaric oxygenation, laser therapy,
modern efferent methods of de-toxication and many others are widely used here.students of the Medical institute,Osh State University
can have a rest in sports and health recreation camp on the picturesque Issyk-Kul branches of the Faculty of extracurricular
education, art and sports club or student's theatre.
We invite You to study at the Medical Institute,Osh State University. We'll be glad to see You in our picturesque city.
Osh State University in figures
Osh State University was founded on 24 May 1951 as Osh State Pedagogical Institute.It achieved status of the University on 17 june
1992.The city of Osh provides a unique setting for the urban campus of OshSU. At the heart of this picturesque city lies the OshSU
administrative campus, with the remaining departments located throughout the city.OshSU is the leading educationl, cultural and
scientific center of southern Kyrgyzstan.The faculties of the University prepare specialists to respond to all the region's needs. The
University sows the seeds of science and domocracy that will bloom throughout the country.

Today,Osh State University in figures.
more than 27,000 students.
1663 Teachers.
20 Faculties.
9 Institutes.
18 Educational,Scientific Research Institutes.
23 Educational Campus.
9 Hostels.

Medical Institute OshSU in figures

Faculties :- General Medicine and Pediatrics.
departments :- 19\
Number of teachers :- 244
Doctor of Medical Sciences Ph.D, :- 18
Candidate of medical sciences. :- 51
Postgraduate and specialist teachers :- 175
library with 32178 medical books and international scientific magazines.

Teaching Hospitals affiliated with
Medical Institute,Osh State University
Medical Institute OshSU is affiliated with educational and clinical institutions.Teaching hospitals are well equiped,with modern
diagnostic and treatment fascilities to train students at a higher scientific and professional level. In particular, all types of diagnostics,
thermovision,angiography, endoscopic technique, highly effective means of treatment by hyperbaric oxygenation, laser therapy, modern
efferent methods of de-toxication and many others are widely used here.students are trained at best diagnostic centres and hospitals of
the city.such as-;

Osh Provincial Clinical Hospital
Osh city territorial Hospital
Osh InterProvincial Clinical Children Hospital
Perinatal Centre
Provincial Materinity Home
Medical Centre"ZAMAT"
Osh InterProvincial Centre of Oncology
City Hospital of Infectiouse diseases
HIV-AIDS prevention Centre

International Relations
Medical Institute stays in contact with many medical institutes of the world.Scientists and students of the Osh State Medical Institute
actively take part in International seminars,conferences and joint research with scientists of other universities.Our students go to partner
universities in seminars and joint courses conducted by partner universities every year.Medical Institute OshSU has agreements of mutual
cooperation with many institutes such as-:

Medical Faculty,Ankara State University,Turkey
State University of Georgia,USA
Moscow State Medical Academy,Russia
Kazan State Medical University,Russia
Krasnodar State Medical University,Russia
New York Academy of Science,USA
Andijan State Medical Academy,Uzbekistan
Kyrgyz State Medical Academy,Bishkek
Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University,Bishkek
From year 2003,Institute is partner of tSAR,Cooperates with AMCZ and with
medical institute of South Florida,USA.

We invite You to study at the Medical Institute,Osh State University. We'll be glad to see You in our picturesque city.

2007 - Medical Institute,Osh State University
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